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Tip Overcome Hair Loss

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 6:22 AM

to obtain a thick and beautiful hair, you need a complete nutritional daily. Because hair is made of protein, foods that contain lots of protein is very important for hair health.

Your food must contain at least 100 grams of protein each day. You can get protein from milk, butter, yogurt, soy and derivatives products, eggs, cheese, meat, and fish.

Lack of vitamin A, B, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, iron, copper, and iodine can also cause hair loss and graying. Inositol deficiency also affects the same. Inositol found in yeast, liver, and molasses.

Here are some useful tips to nourish hair, but I can not help if the main causes such as disease and stress is not removed first.

1. Take vitamin B complex supplements, protein, and Silica in case if your food does not contain enough of these nutrients.

2. Getting enough sleep and live well-balanced diet.

3. Massage-massage your scalp after every shampoo. This will activate the oil glands and improving blood circulation in the scalp, so the hair becomes more healthy.

4. Rub coconut milk on the scalp and hair, massage gently. Then rinse thoroughly. Coconut milk helps promote hair growth.

5. Juice made from bananas, honey, yogurt and low-fat milk contains many nutrients needed hair.

6. Manage stress well and do a healthy living lifestyle
6:22 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Carers Health Nutrition Hair and Skin

Healthy skin and hair is not only determined by how often you spend time at the spa. You need to remember back, how do you eat during this. Therefore, proper food intake will result in smoother skin and awake kekenyalannya, and thick hair, soft, and shiny.

Willow Jarosh and Stephanie Clarke, an expert in diet from C & J Nutrition, share the secrets to improve the health of your skin and hair.

* Eat more orange-colored food. Oranges contain vitamin C, essential nutrients for the body to produce collagen. This is the component that gives the skin elasticity and kekenyalannya, and maintaining fiber that creates hair. In addition, beta carotene, found in carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, mangoes, and fruits and other orange vegetables, is required for cells to grow. Because hair cells are always growing constantly, then all these foods should be consumed regularly to assist in healthy growth.

* Inadequate intake of iron-fortified protein. Hair will grow up and fall off naturally every month. You need a protein intake to speed up your hair regrowth. If not, you would have thinning hair. Iron is a primary source that helps red blood cells to carry oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and skin cells. You can select proteins that contain iron, such as beans, tofu, edamame, lean beef, chicken, black beans, lentils, and eggs.

* Enjoy a delicious garbanzo beans. Garbanzo bean contain zinc, which helps prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Zinc deficiency is not only detrimental to the hair, but also makes your skin flaky. Nuts are tasty, it also contains vitamin B6 and folate, which helps the body produces cells that send all the nutrients from these foods into every strand of hair and hair follicles.
6:20 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Do Gratuitous Use Hair Shampoo

Like the facial skin, your hair also require routine maintenance. This treatment is necessary to prevent loss.

Eddy Karta, a specialist skin and venereal Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta say, hair treatments can be done either from outside or inside. Treatment can be done from within by eating nutritious foods that contain four of five perfectly healthy.

"Can you drink milk, because milk contains many proteins and minerals needed for healthy hair," he said.

Santi Sadikin, consultant physician Beauty Clinic aesthetics of Esther House of Beauty added, care from outside can be done by maintaining the cleanliness of the scalp and hair.

Ideally, we wash it every two to three days. But that applies to normal hair. If your scalp is oily, Santi advise you to wash it every day with a shampoo that is safe to use every day.

Adjust character's hair with this shampoo is very kind to help prevent hair loss. You see, if one beautiful hair shampoo is not obtained, but it can cause hair loss.

But, do not be afraid. Are now widely available shampoo specially made for certain types of hair. "The purpose of this shampoo gives special protection for certain types of hair," said Santi.

Santi recommend that you use a shampoo with acid (ph balance) balance. Description ph balance can be found on the label shampoo that we use.

In addition to the use of shampoo, conditioner usage also should not be excessive for the head stay healthy. Conditioner suitable for use by someone who has a characteristic dry hair. You see, the conditioner to maintain moisture and reduce evaporation of hair.

If you have oily hair characteristics, you are advised not to use conditioner. You see, the conditioner can actually make more oil, even create new problems such as dandruff to hair loss.

Many people assume spa cream bath and hair loss can be overcome. This assumption is not true at all wrong alias. "Both types of these treatments should only be found in the hair that is not a problem," said Santi.

Hair spa cream bath and massage techniques that are strong enough in the scalp. Well, how this treatment can actually pull the hair down to its roots.

If your hair is experiencing excessive hair loss, should not only visit the salon, but bertandanglah to the hospital or clinic beauty. Therefore, hair loss treatment is no longer a beauty issue but the scalp and hair health.

There are several therapies that can be used to treat hair loss problems. One of them is stressed hair therapy. This therapy focuses on massage on your back, fingertips, until the arm. The goal is blood circulation, around the head so the hair grow healthy.

In the head, usually, the therapist will only provide treatment cream and hair tonic. It aims to strengthen the hair roots.

But remember, hair loss can grow back over the seed still in the hair scalp. If the seed hair is gone, your hair will not grow back. In cases like this, "How to re-look bushy hair is by planting transplants or hair," said Santi again.
6:19 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Loss 100 Overlay, Still Fair

Under normal conditions, it should be, the amount of hair falling out every day no more than 45-100 strands. Compare this with the number of hairs on our heads high as 100,000 pieces.

According to Santi, the hair life cycle is divided into three phases. First, the phase of antigen or growth phase. In this cycle, a single hair on the scalp can survive up to three years. Second, the resting phase or catagen. In the phase that lasted about three weeks, the hair stops growing.

Third, the telogen phase or phases of the release. In this phase, each hair will experience a release from the scalp. This process occurs within three months. Under normal circumstances, 90 percent of the hair on our heads in the growth phase. Just 10 percent of the remainder have a resting phase at any given time are not the same alias.

Well, the thing is, hair and scalp are very rare under normal conditions. As a result, hair loss problems arise. Santi rate, hair loss below 40 strands per day is still normal. But, if the amount of hair loss in over 40 strands, the owner of the hair must be overcome.

Eddy Karta, a specialist skin and venereal Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta has a different reference. According to him, 100-150 strands of hair loss per day is still reasonable. But, do not let hair loss that happens to lead to baldness.

Outside the normal cycle, many factors that cause hair loss. Particularly in Indonesia, one of the causes is hot and humid climate. "Tropical climate makes it easier head oily, dirty, and dandruff" said Santi.

Scalp problems can also occur due to malnutrition such as protein, B vitamins, minerals zinc, including infections of the scalp. If any of that happens, the roots of the hair becomes loose.

He also reminded, binding or menyasak habits can make the hair roots are interested in and easily separated. The use of chemicals, such as shampoo, hair moisturizers, hair dyes, as well as curling or straightening hair drug also affects the health of the hair root.

The drugs also can cause hair loss. An example of this occurred in patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In fact, for some people, contraceptive pills, gout medication, arthritis medication, depression medication, and medication for high blood can trigger hair loss.

Another cause is excess androgen hormones (androgenic alopecia). This hormone usually affects men over the age of 30 years. "Usually, baldness occurs in front of or behind your head," said Santi.
6:18 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not Use Hot Water Shampoo

Hair for no loss, even shampooing should not be indiscriminate. For example, avoid shampooing with water that is too hot. Also, do not be too often dry your hair with hair dryer.

If using a hair dryer, we recommend you install a low temperature. If you do not hurry, you should dry your hair with aerated in the open air only.

Hair comb your hair gently while still in a state of somewhat dry. You see, when wet, hair condition is fragile. Easy hair fall out. In addition, you should also use a comb with teeth rare. The goal is that hair is not too interested and reduce the potential loss.

Reduce also use liquid chemicals, such as hair gel, cream, hair oil, hair dye or hair spray, if not required. The goal is to maintain hair health. In order to smooth blood circulation, exercise regularly. In addition, adequate rest also helps keep the body healthy
6:17 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Anti Hair Loss Foods

If the shampoo and conditioner does not work the problem on your hair loss, try this method from within, by consuming mineral zinc. You see, one of the causes of hair loss is the lack of zinc minerals zinc alias.

If zinc deficiency is constantly you let it, it could be not only the loss that you would naturally. This condition can also reduce immunity so that you are more susceptible to disease.

Indeed, vitamin containing zinc easily found in pharmacies freely. The maximum dose of zinc consumption is 100 milligrams per day. However, zinc consumption directly from natural foods is much better.

Not hard to find foods that contain zinc. This mineral is easily found in eggs, mushrooms, seafood (seafood), and soybean.

Remember, how the processing should be true. Wash before cooking. Then, do not cook it too long. Because if cooked too long, the mineral content in the diet could even disappear.
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